Tuesday, 14 April 2020



So the whole world is now on lockdown because of this new deadly virus and I never thought this day would come where everyone is forced to just stay at home. Even Singapore is on lockdown now. Well, the government calls is Circuit Breaker because lockdown sounds too harsh. (But the laws that have been implemented are pretty much, LOCKDOWN.)

This means I couldn't tutor anymore sadly so I've been pretty much stuck at home while being broke and supposedly, to study for exams. Oh, and exams are postponed till July. Gosh can't believe the last time I updated this space I couldn't think of what to update but here we are... so many things have happened over that short period of time. 

Who would've thought we will one day be forced to stay at home, and to work from home... oh and students doing home-based learning? Everyone is just stuck at home and if you go out for fun, you'll be fined and might even be charged for it. 

So to make my lockdown more interesting... I have made plans. 

My plans for this lockdown:
  • Painting my room
  • Moving my whole study area to my bedroom
  • Studying for exams

This lockdown has definitely opened my eyes. We are all fighting a war right now. A war against the smallest thing ever. So please try to stay at home as much as possible. I know it's challenging for all of us mentally. Other introverts may find it easy for them. But for me, it's been both easy and well, a struggle too. I find joy when I look out the window and see life out there. But now, it's way too quiet. I'm still trying to adapt to the changes because things are getting serious.

Today alone, the government reported another death and 386 positive cases. For a small country like Singapore, that's just CRAZY. I'm doing my part to stay at home for as much as possible, so I hope others will do so too. 

Virus. Economies crashing. We're really living in the end of times.

Dear God,
Please protect me and my loved ones. Please grant all of us a place in your heavens.
Love, me.