Sunday, 12 July 2020

closer to three o

Turned 26 today.

This year is truly a different year for me. If you ask the younger me, she's probably still out right now and not in bed blogging yet. Covid-19 has made me become way too comfortable being at home to the point that I don't see a reason for being out and spending my day away on my own birthday. Or maybe I'm getting closer to the three-o now, so my body is just easily tired and gaining weight just by breathing sigh

Leading up to the days to my birthday, many things happened. So recently we had elections. I'm finally old enough to vote and boyyyy I've never been more involved than ever for elections. My dad and I have always been into politics. We bond through political discussions like which policies we agree and disagree etc.

I was pretty nervous to vote... like am I really making the right decision? Do I vote for a change when the government has been taking care of us well? But isn't it the government's job to ensure citizens are well taken care of? Oh boy, I'll be in this dilemma every 5 years from now on...

And this was staring at me while I was about to make my vote... how could I not be more nervous than ever?

Yesterday we had a mini gathering to celebrate my birthday as well... I was honestly still feeling tired from exams and work. I forgot how much socialising could drain my energy. It all came back yesterday.

Luckily before I made my way out to celebrate my birthday, I bumped into Irham and the corridor. I didn't know why I thought he's going to my neighbour's place. It didn't even occur to me he was there to help Izzati to deliver cheesecake for me. 😂

I really love their New York Cheesecake 🤍

And Cik Ita gave me new bedsheets... because I've been obsessed with my revamped room.

It's still under progress... if anyone's thinking of getting me a present, I would love a wardrobe and a study table. Thank you very much 😂

Aisah also sent a whole Korean birthday meal for your girl... she's been a gem la ❤️

I wanted to do a lot more on my birthday but I guess this year I'm learning to take things slow and to truly enjoy every passing moment. I put working and earning money as a priority and then, went on to get shoes and new undergarments for myself. It's been a simple retail therapy session today.

Dear Self,
You've been too hard on yourself. Trying to wait and search for answers from people who are not willing to give you answers. You've gained and lost many friends in this journey called life. May you find more strength in battling every loss. May you find more love in time to come... People kept asking you about marriage and settling down. But they don't understand that this is God's plan, not yours. In whatever you do, have faith and trust in God's plans.
Love, yourself. 

May life brings about more happiness for all of us ❤️