This feeling I'm feeling... it feels so wrong yet so great.
All I'm praying for... it's to be on the path that is meant for me and my happiness.
This feeling I'm feeling... it feels so wrong yet so great.
All I'm praying for... it's to be on the path that is meant for me and my happiness.
Officially a graduate.
It's been some time since I last update all thanks to work. Sooooo many things have happened and I wish I had blogged more so that when I'm old and bored, I can read them all and have a good laugh. But the reality is, right now I'm drowning with work and trying to find that perfect work life balance which I can't seem to find the light at the end of the tunnel.
Many will know by now that I took a much longer time to graduate than a normal person and while I am embarrassed to share it because really, I know it's all my fault... but right now, I felt things happened because it's all God's plans.
Many things have happened and I'm in a much healthier position now especially emotionally and mentally. Thanks to the most expensive paper I have ever spent in my entire life, I am also now financially comfortable alhamdulillah 🤲🏼
& yes, it is a paper. My certificate is just a normal paper. It doesn't even feel expensive but it costs a BOMB to attain it 🥲
I didn't know it is THIS complicated.
While I enjoy every bit of it now, I know my inner self is struggling slowly.
My daily interactions with sons and daughters of millionaire and billionaires are slowly taking a toll on myself. Like how do I ensure when I'm old, I wouldn't be a burden to others especially financially? How do I ensure that people around me wouldn't fight for my wealth? How do I ensure I have enough to support myself when I'm no longer able to work?
Well the good thing is I have learnt how to make money as a side hustle all thanks to my uni days which will probably see me through till I'm old. Unless I can think of a better, higher paying one, then I guess I know what I will be doing after I retire just to keep myself occupied.
Now I truly understand why some girls just settle to be a trophy wife 🥲
Officially, 27.
This year, I haven't been blogging much because I've been super lazy and well... I have been reflecting on life a lot. Just read that as, pure laziness please. I'm coming out with so many excuses. But tbh, it's been crazy trying to juggle between work, tuition and life beyond all those.
Been months since I last updated.
Things have been great so far. All I can say... I've been approaching each day with a better mindset, a better self now.
إن شاء الله
2021 will be a better year than the years before.
Alhamdulillah for everything 🤍
2020 has been quite an eventful year for everyone. Most people hate it so much, but I thank God for this year because it has been a life-changing year for me. He has been blessing me so much this year and I can never thank Him enough for that.
If you've been reading this blog and praying for me, I thank you too and I pray you're blessed by Him too.
And thank you Allah for blessing me and my loved ones. ❤️
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