Monday, 21 October 2019

i hope you're okay

I had a class just now and I saw something that got me 😨🥴

Imagine a girl wearing shorts, the kind that you can see her butt cheeks as well. So she bended forward to reach over a piece of paper from the lecturer. She was directly in front of me and I was facing the front. And from the level I was sitting, the first thing I saw when I looked up... her butt. And I was genuinely worried for her. Because I could see marks and bruises. Like caning marks and really huge dark purple bruises.

I then told Hani, a friend of mine that I got closer over the past few months. She was just as shocked as I am. 

So I asked, "Do you think we should ask if she's okay?" 

And the next thing she said was, "No la, I think she got caned by her parents."

I just laughed because at this age, DOES CANING EVEN WORK?!

Then it hits me. 

She could be into BDSM shit. Something I still can't relate, like how do people feel aroused by pain. I'm the kind who cries like a baby when it comes to even the slightest pain you can ever think of.

To the girl in class who's hopefully into BDSM shit,
I hope you're really okay.
If you're not into BDSM and you're really hurt,
please don't be afraid and seek help.

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