Friday 21 August 2015


Have you ever loved someone so much that you are willing to do anything for that special person?
That includes doing things you dislike.

Listening to Jay Park's songs always makes me feel like I'm in a perfect romantic fairytale type of relationship with a guy.

Do you guys feel it too?

Anyway, Jay Park is coming to Singapore for a closed-door event at COACH Wisma Atria this 24th August.

Times like this...

I wish I was born into a rich family.
I wish I was a freaking hot pretty girl who gets sponsored all day err day.
I wish I was just someone powerful.

It is hard to be a fan.

Park Jaebum, I hope to meet you and be friends with you one day.

Love, Me.

Thursday 13 August 2015

Hello Again

So I haven't been updating this space for quite some time, exactly a month actually! Well, I'm busy travelling from one end of Singapore to the other end. And not to forget... I am a lazy person hahaha

Ramadan left us and now, we're in the month of Syawal. This also means... Hari Raya!

I still feel excited for Raya though many felt like they miss Ramadan more as they grow older. Well, to me, it's how you view things in life. I love Ramadan for the fact that people get closer to Islam and Allah s.w.t during that holy month. Some people change for the better during Ramadan and of course, it's a pleasant sight. On the other hand, I love Hari Raya for the fact that it's the time people get together and bond with people who are special to them like families. We often do not realize that we treat our family less special than how we treat our friends. So Raya is the time we make time for our families. Also, it's the time when people seek forgiveness from each other. And Raya... the time people who have yet to start work and look like students (aka yours truly!) to get duit raya!

Don't dread the arrival of a beautiful month, approach every moment of your life with optimism!

It's a must for me to at least wear the baju kurung or baju kebaya once during Raya because... well when can I wear the Malay traditional costume other than Raya? Ok, maybe during weddings whatever.

This year's Raya is a little different for me because Bigbang had their world tour in Singapore for the second and third days of Syawal. I had to miss the Raya visitings for the second and third days of Raya. Felt kinda guilty but it was all worth it because I made really good memories with really awesome company.

MADE Concert Day 1

My company for the first day of concert. (Yes, I went to both days!)

Kathryn and I. 
Our friendship all started from Bigbang. From the first time I saw my favourite Taeyang till now.
Our huge age gap does not even bother a bit.

Not sure how many know of this, but I actually just went crazy that night and approached some of the YG staffs to take photos of them since I know the chances of me taking a photo with the boys themselves would be really slim (in fact I haven't had any chance yet!) and well... I don't really think so much about my actions sometimes.

A photo of me with one of the YG dancers.
Captioned this as "With my future colleague"on my Instagram because I'm determined to join YG.

A photo of me with Bennie Rodgers II (aka briightred05 on IG)
Drummer from The Band Six
Posted this on Instagram that he's my American boyfriend.
My aunt actually believed it and called me up early in the morning just coz of this photo.

MADE Concert Day 2
The crowd was honestly better in Day 2. You just felt like it was more fun. I had a great time on both days!

The Band Six and some of Hidayah's friends who are now my new friends.
Really nice and friendly people.
Hang out together the next time you guys come to Singapore!

Seungri's Mum and Sister Lee Hanna.
Posted this photo on Instagram and it got me laughing like crazy reading the comments.

My secondary school friend Seri even texted me this few days later and told me I got popular.
Till today, I can't stop smiling whenever I recall all the memories.

If there is one thing I really enjoy from this whole crazy phase I'm in, it's the fact that I have made so many friends. Even though they may be judgmental and I will probably feel so disturbed by what they have to say, I know I had fun doing all those things. 

Be brave. Be courageous.

Looking forward to the next Bigbang concert HAHA

I am just trying to make myself feel more relaxed now (hence the too-hyped-up post above!) because results will be coming in soon and I am really scared. Hoping that I pass all my modules and move on to Year 2. Pray for my results. Pray for me.